Any disorders or abnormalities in eyes fall under the purview of our Department of Ophthalmology. Our doctors are vastly experienced in diagnosing and treating conditions that pertain to vision. With the use of advanced devices and equipment, KIMSHEALTH is considered to be one of the most prominent healthcare destinations for the disease of the eyes.
Specialist - Ophthalmology
KIMSHEALTH Medical Center Al-Mashaf
Fully equipped chair unit with slit lamps, auto- refractometer,
IOL Services with
Conventional ECCE with IOL
Phacoemulsification with foldable & multifocal IOLs
Squini & oculoplasty
Glaucoma services with Humphry’s Automated Perimetry
Indirect ophthalmoscopy
ROP screening & Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Contact lenses clinic
Medical & Surgical Retina